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Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is a sport combining Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling and Thai Boxing and is the worlds fastest growing professional sport. Here at SBG we have expert coaches teaching MMA as a complete sport and it’s individual component sports in more detail.

BJJ is a martial art focusing on grappling and ground fighting, developed to use the principles of leverage and technique to overcome bigger stronger opponents. In these classes, you will be taught all aspects necessary to compete in BJJ tournaments at the highest level in both the Gi (traditional uniform) and without the Gi, and to learn the most effective martial art created for self-defence and self-improvement. While far from an easy sport Brazilian Jiu Jitsu involves the least physicality and reflexes and therefore is ideally suited to recreational martial artists who still wish to be able to actually fight as well as older starters and those who do not wish to train with strikes.

Wrestling as a sport focuses on taking an opponent down to the ground from a standing position and pinning them there, as well as preventing being taken down and escaping back to the feet from the bottom position. Separated from Jiu Jitsu mainly in philosophy and extra physicality while sharing many common techniques and positions. An essential part of MMA competition.

Thai Boxing is a striking based martial art and sport which utilises every limb to its utmost potential for both attack and defence. Ideally suited to MMA due to the use of all limbs and ranges allowing practitioners to be able to transition from unconnected striking to clinch and thus bridging the gap between striking and wrestling.

Where to Start?

If you are completely new to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts then you should start in our Fundamentals classes

Doing our fundamentals classes will give you an amazing foundation to progress from and will allow you the confidence to be able to train safely and effectively in all our classes.

Our Fundamentals classes are at 17:45 every day Monday to Friday.

We offer an intro membership for £35 a month where you can take 2 fundamentals classes a week of your choosing.

Sign Up for Our Fundamentals Intro Membership

Visit and click on the "paid in full" option to register for our Fundamentals course.

Questions or Concerns?

Message us at for any questions or additional information

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Ready to join a gym committed to helping you improve your life, learn new skills, make friends and have fun?

Discover the benefits of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts with our fundamentals classes, tailored for beginners and led by experienced coaches.

Start today and make a positive change in your life through BJJ & MMA!